Friday, May 14, 2010

posting-lessons learned in class

Over the course of this semester I learned that arguments can be analyzed extremely in depth. Last semester, I took a SJSU argument and debate class last semester, and I thought that taught us how to analyze arguments. I had no idea that that was just barely the basis of it. We leaned various tools that help us examine each and every aspect of a statement in depth. I particularly liked the sections of fallacies, and I felt it was beneficial to get a clear explanation of each one along with various examples. I also felt another valuable aspect that I learned this semester is the idea of strong/valid arguments. I feel that knowing the difference between a strong , weak, valid, and invalid argument. I liked not only the extensive amount of examples they used to try to explain it to you, but also the charts they used to outline which is which. Overall, I was surprised how useful, comprehensive, and entertaining the textbook was.

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